
室内 & Product Design, Associate Professor

办公室: DSCH 308   |    电话: (308) 865-8233   |    电子邮件: vauxde@mogrenlandscape.com



达纳·沃克斯 ‘s love of interior design comes together where the physical environment and people intersect. Her interdisciplinary Ph.D. emphasized Architecture, Design, and Environmental 历史. She has professional memberships in 室内 Design Educators Council (IDEC) and American Society of 室内 Designers (ASID). Her publications include articles in the Journal of 室内 Design and several international journals. She has co-authored two books used in classrooms: Practical Ethics for Architecture and 室内 Design Practices and Research Methods for 室内 Design: 应用ing 室内ity, as well as chapters for other books and numerous conference proceedings. She won the 2022 Midwest Regional Best of Award for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning-Pedagogy from (IDEC), the 2021 Midwest Regional Best of Award for Scholarship of Design Research-历史 and Theory from (IDEC), and the 2019 Best Paper in Family Studies/Human Development from the American Association of Family & Consumer Services (AAFCS). Receiving the 2021-2022 College of 业务 & 技术 Outstanding 教师 Award: Scholarship Tenured, she enjoys interdisciplinary research that focuses on people-place connections and the cultural-historical meanings of place.


Ph.D., Interdisciplinary: Architecture, Design, Environmental 历史, Washington State University
M.A., 室内 Design, Washington State University
B.A., 室内 Design, Washington State University

Area of expertise and research

Interface of current culture
Place theory in the built environment

How did you become interested in this subject?

I married into a Construction Company. My husband was working as the third generation in a family company his grandfather had started. After a few decades of working in the business, remodeling and building our own homes, I decided to return to school to obtain the degree for the work I was already doing.


Why did you go into teaching?

When I was earning my master’s degree, I realized how important research is to understanding how to best design for the health and well-being of people, and how much we need to know to design the best interiors possible. I wanted to be part of designing the future and help emerging designers understand the importance of research to good design.